

Training (IO1)

An innovative and uniform training curriculum, structured in 8 modules and case studies, that delivers fundamental knowledge and skills for performing new and evolving job roles within the active & health ageing field in silver economy focused on rural areas. It’ll help to better define what silver caregivers professionals are expected to know and increase the quality and consistency of the work performed by caregivers professionals. This will be the first uniform active and health ageing training for different job roles (formal and informal caregivers) in the EU.

Learning platform (IO2)

The development of an easy and intuitive Active & Health e-learning platform where caregivers can access the modules and follow the training curriculum –including images and videos– accordingly, with a fluent communication and building a strong community.

Certification (IO3)

The latest steps focus on the development of pilot tests and capacity building of the IO1 and IO2 intellectual outcomes to create a space for reflection and suggestions, as well as to raise awareness of the importance of generating an inclusive social system based on the silver economy. This, together with the work and experience of the paternity, has served to develop a certification methodology adapted to the legislation of each country to generate an official recognition of the student. This will demonstrate the high profile of knowledge in relation to active ageing.


1st Newsletter

Winter 2021

2nd Newsletter

Fall 2021

3rd Newsletter

Spring 2022

4th Newsletter

Fall 2022
Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA202-081989

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SEPIE - Erasmus+